Pride can be a two-edged sword. I don't think it's out of line to have some pride in your work or to be proud of your kids or your grandkids. Pride can drive us to look inside and out and think of ways that we can be better citizens, better people, and better Christians. Pride can drive us to put some more effort into things we want to be better at. Pride can push us beyond our limits we thought we had: it can make us run one more mile, do one more push-up, or never quit trying to do something we'd always said we would do.
But pride can also be dangerous. Left unchecked, pride and ambition can become arrogance and entitlement. Unchecked pride and lead to a grand view of "self" and a small view of God. Pride can lead us to look down on others and to neglect the opportunities to help or to serve. Pride can leave us ignorant, because we think we already know. Pride can leave us empty, because we think we are already full. Unchecked, pride can carry further away from a relationship with Jesus than we ever thought possible.Nevertheless, we are never too far from His reach.
How do we keep pride in its place? We continually remind ourselves of the grace of God. Staying grateful will keep you humble. Thanking and praising God will keep you from thinking you've done it by yourself. God's grace, His love, and His Son sustains us (Heb. 1:3). When you've resisted temptation, take pride in the fact that you were able to finally trust in God to deliver you (James 1:12). Have some joy in the knowledge that the ones you love are saved (3 John 1:4).
Yet, resist the prideful way of thinking that leads to selfishness (James 3:14) so that you may learn to "walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).
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